24k gold

What is the price of 24k gold

What is the Price of 24k Gold in USD per Gram and Kilogram?

24k gold is considered to be the purest of them all because it has the highest karat number meaning that any other type of gold karat is calculated out of the 24k percentage. this gold is considered to be 100%pure with no addition of any alloy to it making it the most expensive gold on market than other gold types.

It has a bright yellow color and very soft. Because of its softness, it cannot be used in the jewelry industry unless if they add some alloys to it like copper, zinc, silver, nickel or iron to make it a little bit harder but rather in the electronic and medical industry in different devices, in the clothing industry, its softness makes it easy to be embedded on a clothing materials, it’s also used to make gold bars and coins.

Why isn’t 24k gold used to make all jewelry?

Because of its softness, 24k gold cannot be used to make daily jewelry for daily life use like finger rings unless it they add some alloy components to it like aluminum, zinc or iron to make it more durable hence suitable for daily use hence this how you get the 22k, 18k, 14k and 10k because it is the gold with the most gold value, it can be used to acquire wealth through buying it as an investment.

It can be bought in form of gold bars and coins. Each ounce of 24k gold would be worth $2000 making it a right tool for storing money. Tips for Buying Gold Online.

What is the price of 24K Gold?

The 24K gold price rate is always calculated using live gold prices from the New York Gold Exchange and then converted basing on the Karat. please note that “Karat” is different from “Carat”, some of our customers confuse the two words.

Karat is a measure of “purity” and Carat is a measure of weight with one carat equaling to 200milligrams(0.2grams). carats are used to measure Gemstones such as diamonds, emeralds and rubies. Below is a table showing the current prices of 24K gold per gram, troy ounce, tola and kilogram.


Weight USD
24K Gold price per Gram $69.30
24K Gold price per Troy ounce $2155.48
24K Gold price per Kilogram $69,300.33
24K Gold price per Tola $808.04

Note that gold price is quoted in “Troy Ounce” which is often abbreviated as “T.Oz” or “OZ” for ounce only. A troy ounce is different from a standard Ounce as its slightly heavier measuring 31.1grammes and one standard ounce measuring 28.35grammes.

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FAQs about 24k Gold;

What is the difference between 24K Gold and 18K Gold?

Pure gold is quoted as 24K meaning it is 99.99% pure gold and 18K is at 75% purity level. There is also 22K which is 91.7% pure,14K at 58.3% purity level and 10K at 41.7% purity level.

 Is 24K gold durable?

24k gold is the purest of them all but despite of its beautiful distinct yellowish bright colour,it is not a   cannot be used in the jewelry industry to make small fine jewelry pieces like ear and finger rings which can be worn in a daily life because gold in its finesse form is a very soft material meaning it can easily bend, or scratch unless if mixed with other alloy elements like copper, zinc, silver, nickel or iron to get 10k,14k,18k and 22k which are more stronger hence making it durable for any use.

What is the use of 24K gold?

Since 24k is the gold with the highest value, it is the right tool for acquiring wealth through investments. One small piece of 24k gold can store value over a long period of time therefore one can invest for example in buying 24k gold in form of coins, gold bars or buy a bullion online.

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